‘Polycount’ Game Industry Info
Although its primarily focused at the art side of game industry info, I thought it was an amazing read, especially since I only stumbled across it! PolyCount Game Industry Info Hopefully its useful! :)!
Big Beasty Blog Bonanza!
It dawned on me today that it has been a long time since I updated my blog… and the remainder of my portfolio page for that matter. Ironically, I have an awesome ‘stackoverflow exception’ story to tell, but it does…
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Return of the Portfolio!
Finally, my portfolio is back online after a switch over of hosting! Additionally my portfolio can be accessed from and! Stay Tuned!
New Projects & New Horizons
So, on the back of my university completion I’ve been working on a couple of personal projects during the transitional phase coming out of university. I have to admit it’s been a little relieving to start on something fresh, different…
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HomeView Available to download as msi!
Apologies for the delay I’ve been super busy on the back of an extraordinary week! The HomeView BETA is available to download, although I conducted thorough Alpha testing and beta testing, there are still some bugs to be expected. If…
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Currently setup at Expotees waiting to talk to people! Had some problems setting up the kinect and webcams (expected them though!) but everything’s going! If you are here, come by and say hi!
Botchy Soldering, Invisible Light & Kinect!
So, after my seriously under practiced soldering skills were finally put into use: I tested my ‘customized’ webcam to see if the IR light was, in actual fact working. I had my doubts since it’s really just been a mish-mash…
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More Hardware Experimentation + HomeView Implementation = A Soldering Iron?!
It’s been almost a month since I last blogged about the project. Do not fear! I’ve been hard at work mostly implementing it ready for the 30th. Anyways, I’ve been experimenting with the webcam hardware to achieve better night vision,…
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Custom… Infra red Webcam
So I’ve hacked apart a cheap webcam (£3) to see I taking the infrared lens off helps with night vision as the others were pathetic (but they’re cheap) Fingers crossed its a little better :)!
First View of HomeView in Action
I was somewhat forced into developing the GUI for HomeView (although I intended to develop it along with the architecture). Regardless, heres how the application is looking/functioning! The Motion Detection algorithmn is not ‘great’ at the moment… but it is…
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