Animex 2015 (part 1)
Woohoo! Man, I love Animex, it’s a proper gaming holiday. And it was jammed packed with awesome Game Dev, Animation Talks, Indie Games and social networking (three late nights!). In celebration of the first Animex Indie and to continue it’s…
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Targets, Coding, Publishing & Animex!
I seem to be naturally drawn to my blog whenever the awesome Animex festival rolls around. Admittedly, it’s always awesome to do the whole week, but it’ll be the first time in 4 Years where I miss out on a…
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Android Dev, Careers Fairs & Runefest
Spent borderline 4 hours trying to get my ‘Github’ed’ Android project to debug as a proper project to no avail… I can commit changes and push to the Github but it then won’t debug… Workaround for now is committing changes,…
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Animex 2014, Booty, Iphone Development!
As always, I was super excited about attending my favourite gaming event of the year, Animex (10th – 14th Feb), the sheer level of games development talent is just astronomical AND it was my first Animex where I am also…
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Animex 2014, Runefest, Javadoc
New Year, and man what a crazy year 2013 was for me. In-between attending runefest with Jagex as a Mod, attending Teesside uni for the careers day, attempting to complete personal projects and attending the Manchester Comic-con I’ve been about…
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Back to Work – Booty Refactor
Finally got a chance to sit down and refactor/review the booty code with a fresh pair of eyes and a new coding style in my back pocket. I was having problems with interrupting turns, especially when players made their decision…
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Out of the silence…
So I have been VERY quiet in the last two months. At the end of April I left my then current job at Synoptics (sad to leave as they were great to me) and joined Jagex in the science park,…
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Booty! Updates
It’s been almost a month since my last blog update… Inbetween finding time to develop Booty! Some major things have been happening (watch this space). Booty… What’s left? Well, the skeleton of the achievement framework is in place and it’s…
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Booty Achievements!
Today was spent constructing a Achievement ‘framework’ per-say, which contains a back-end SQLite DB, an achievement class and a extension to the custom timer class I wrote to display the turn timers. Ironically, the visual requirements were much more animated…
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Creative Writing and Booty!
I promised myself that I would put up ‘Caught in the Web’ on movella, if ‘Dusting off the Cobwebs’ reached 100 views (which it is currently on 99!) So, I’ve done a re-read/edit of ‘Dusting off the Cobwebs’ and I…
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