
Creative Writing Competition

It’s been a long time since people whom I don’t know personally have read anything I’ve written. So to test my writing style again, I’ve entered a short story into a creative writing competition. Hopefully I’ll win something, but having…
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Free Programming Books!

I’ve often considered how many programming lectures have random programming books for reference. It’s like a rite of passage and (thanks to Dupont) I can finally say I own a small collection of books of my own! C++, Delphi and…
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Java, Netbeans and GUI Builders

It’s been a while since I did anything in Java and since I haven’t used Netbeans to build a GUI before, I set about building a quick Java Swing styled, Game puzzle prototype (No 3d or OpenGL). I think I…
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Iphone app to appeal to people’s esteem needs according to Maslow

I was chatting to one of my work colleagues today at work. He expressed how he felt an iphone app that “uses a photo of someone, compares it to your own and then suggests compatability” would be successful. So I…
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RTP over RTSP over HTTP for H264

Been looking into H264 camera streams at work and its been a nightmare trying to make sense of everything. It’s been really difficult finding examples of anything to do with it and most of the code I’ve wrote has not…
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C-Sharp RollaBingo!

The RollaBingo! Game was written in C# and plays like an actual bingo game. It implements WPF, XAML and the singleton design pattern. Generating random lines of numbers; the player faces off against the computer to complete a row. The…
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SpeechRecognitionEngine speechEngine, can be a bit temperamental

So I’ve been testing the program I wrote as I go, I wasn’t expecting much, especially since my microphone has no quality at all. It’s been picking up my voice great … in fact … too great. I have it…
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SpeechRecognitionEngine speechEngine;

Wrote a little program that does a couple of cool things on voice command when I’m on my xbox and the computers on. Shut down the computer, Play some pendulum or open teamspeak. I’ll put some voice recognition into the…
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Final Year Project Ideas

After some useful hints and tips from my placement supervisor, I’ve been looking into the some examples of project ideas and developing my own. I’ve had a few ideas but there is a certain forerunner I think. I want a…
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using System.Speech.Recognition;

I didn’t realise there was a good namespace for voice recognition! I’ll be having a play with that soon. Story keeps on growing! Coming up to narrative I’ve had plotted for a while!