Booty! Animex! Raspberry Pi!

Been a while since I last blogged, so I have a spare ten minutes to update.


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Booty! Version 1 is almost complete, running and playing well. Everything is in place to have a running game, currently I have issues with both the Coin Flipping Animation and the Switching of Booty animation (getX() and getY() don’t seem to be getting a correct x and y :S), but I think this will be something that can be worked on and solved.

Game flow isn’t properly in place, I can select for a booty, the AI can select for a booty, but flow between booty/trap/nothing discovery simply doesn’t exist. Once these are connected then I can say I actually have a game :P.

I took a brief amount of time to look at sound (mixing it up with something I haven’t yet implemented on Android) and that all seems to be working (structured Background and Sound effects), so its back to implementing now!

Lastly, I need to look into getting a small NoSQL DB made which can track achievements… Doesn’t seem to be that complicated and my SQL rust has definitely been shaken off as I’ve done a fair amount of SQL recently (including a rather sheepish moment where I was totally clueless about views (in all fairness that was a bad day :P)).


Yes! Starting on the 18th Animex Game and Talk looks set to be the biggest and most awesome to date! So I will be blogging all the interesting and mind blowing stuff that happens throughout that week (stay tuned for that) including a return to the Alex Trowers ‘But is it Fun?’ workshop to defend our current title! (Which Booty holds :P).

Raspberry Pi

Awesome, Christmas present. All of the hardware is in place now (my desk just didn’t look too geek/tech enough with my tetris lamp, so it needed another keyboard and mouse :P) My wireless adapter is having its fun with the RPi OS (typical linux) but its been fun learning bits and bobs… I now have ‘startx’ and ‘sudo nano’ commands etched into my mind… but without actual wireless internet on the pi. I fear I am going to have to plug it into the router directly to get it up to date properly unfortunately, especially since it’s been snaked and wired all neatly on my desk…

Exciting 2 weeks coming up! Including ‘Wreck It Ralph’ today :D!

Stay tuned for more Animex/Booty!