Targets, Coding, Publishing & Animex!
I seem to be naturally drawn to my blog whenever the awesome Animex festival rolls around. Admittedly, it’s always awesome to do the whole week, but it’ll be the first time in 4 Years where I miss out on a bit of it… (I can only do Game this year!). Alas, I did Eurogamer for the first time last year, so maybe the Karma gods will balance out missing the AVFX section of the week…
Anyways, I’m back to coding Booty! I’ve had some real head scratching issues with tethering my Macbook Pro up to my GitHub project for Booty (the Android project just wouldn’t pull sometimes, then other times it wouldn’t deploy to the emulator). Although these seem to be fixed in amongst the massive list of attempts/tweaks I made to fix it.
As its ANOTHER new year, it seems fitting to write down some things I’d like to achieve and come back to this post whether (if) I manage to actually achieve them!
* Finish Booty (Prototype to One device)
* Publish a article on LinkedIn regarding the Game Industry/Networking “The Game Making Game”
* Start / do a unity version of the DreamPuzzle
* (After DreamPuzzle) A unity/iOS version of Booty!
Big targets, especially in associated with all the other things that may materialise throughout the year!
Anyways, I’ll be blogging again all the keynotes that I take from Animex! I cannot wait :D!