Booty! Updates

It’s been almost a month since my last blog update… Inbetween finding time to develop Booty! Some major things have been happening (watch this space).

Booty… What’s left?

Well, the skeleton of the achievement framework is in place and it’s now a case of filling the db with all of the relevant achievements that I wish to put into the game. I’ve been messing around with custom dialogs off the back of finally sorting out the timer issues. Primarily, this is for when users press the back button in game, a nice big warning will appear warning IF YOU QUIT YOU WILL LOSE.

Additionally, I also got the AI/Opponent to select two grid references to switch, this isn’t running completely smoothly at the moment as the switch event is linked to the game switch event and these are being fired properly at the moment.


As I said, it’s been a personally crazy month, hopefully Booty will be complete (and shiny :)) soon!