Animex 2013: Day 4 Animex Talk
The second half of the week changes to talks more specific to animation, which I still find incredibly fascinating and enjoyable.
The day started off with Animex legend Ed hooks and his current view on the animation industry and his suggestions to how students can break in. His lectures are always inspiring and I only hear great things regarding his workshop. Following Ed we had a Futurama treat! David Au showed us the process of making a Futurama episode feature and the high and lows of how he accomplishes it.
After lunch we had a TV effects analysis focusing primarily on Doctor who, followed by a headline ‘Life of Pi’ double bill. It’s mind blowing how much Stuart Sumida knows about simulating animal anatomy and that was clear when Hans showed a video of a real tiger against the simulated Richard Parker and I couldn’t tell the difference!
Once again the evening had a lively night of networking and an auction. It was a little by easier to get around people tonght especially since some of the Animex game talkers had returned and stayed! Best year of Animex? There’s still another day to go!