Big Beasty Blog Bonanza!
It dawned on me today that it has been a long time since I updated my blog… and the remainder of my portfolio page for that matter. Ironically, I have an awesome ‘stackoverflow exception’ story to tell, but it does get a little boring around the middle!
Alas, since my last blog update, I have pulled up my foundations and relocated to the south of England… to the happy and sunny Cambridge! Where I am now working as a junior software developer for Synoptics Ltd, working on their publicly released ProtoCOL and GeneSys software.
Additionally, the fresh start on the back of University has also provided me with more time to dedicate to developing booty! It been really fun learning the in’s and out’s of android development and, although challenging at times to ensure it’s done ‘properly’, I have been making great progress with the app and all of the relative design issues attributed to mobile development. Here’s a sneak at how the splash has been re-designed since the initial ‘playaround’ with it:
Functionality-wise, it should be coming to the android store very soon!
On-top of everything else (I’m now programming roughly 8 1/2 hours a day now including Booty!), I am intending to venture into enriching my C++ understandings/skills and possibly having a closer look at Unity, with the intention of making the Dream puzzle game into 3D! Watch this space! (Oh I also have an awesome Tetris lamp to light up my development woes :D)